Installing 3rd party software on your Synology DiskStation DS411j Jan 9, 2012 • Note: I recently purchased a & I’m putting up posts about things I figure out. This is part of that series. The Synology DiskStation comes with a pretty darn complete collection of services & software that you can access & use through the DSM, the DiskStation Manager GUI. As I’ve been mentioning, though, you can also SSH into the DiskStation CLI (Command Line Interface) & run commands there. The DiskStation comes with a large assortment of commands already present, but you can install others as well, which is what I’ll focus on here. You could download source code & compile it, of course, but I’m not going to cover that here (maybe in a later post).
Installing Zoiper on windows. Download Zoiper installation files from our web site and you can start the installation. Installing Asterisk On Synology Disk. So I've installed asterisk by installing nslu2-optware and used ipkg to install it. FreePBX on Synology Disk Station. Installing Asterisk On Synology Support. Including support for installing, upgrading and running Asterisk and AsteriskNow. Asterisk Guru Website.
When I can, I like to take the easy route & install pre-compiled software packages. Fortunately, you can find, install, & manage a very large collection of pre-compiled software packages for your Synology DiskStation using a very cool command line tool called. 2nd Edition Scripture Worlds. Sarnevesht Serial Port. If you’re familiar with on Debian, you’ll find ipkg to be instantly understandable. For those of you not in the know, ipkg is a package manager: it’s software that connects to a repository, a large collection of software packages, & then makes it easy for you to download, install, update, & remote packages on your Linux box. So let’s install ipkg so we can then install other software on the Synology DiskStation! Pirates Of Penzance 1994 Download Firefox there. Now find out which ipkg bootstrap you should get at this page, located on the Synology wiki:. In my case, the Marvell Kirkwood mv6281 wants this one:.